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    Concepciones de las maestras de Educaci贸n B谩sica Primaria de la Instituci贸n Educativa T茅cnica Crisanto Luque, frente al ni帽o como sujeto de derechos, y su relaci贸n con las pr谩cticas pedag贸gicas.

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    This thesis is entitled Conceptions of Primary Basic Education teachers of the Crisanto Luque Technical Educational Institution, facing the child as a subject of rights, and its relation with pedagogical practices, whose purpose is to unveil the pedagogical practices that are generated within Classroom in relation to the categories of analysis: child, subject of laws, and pedagogical practice. The research was based on the ethnographic method, in the modality of microethnography, which entailed the use of the technique of non-participant observation, the story and the structured interview. The results are visible from the third chapter, section that describes the different moments of the analysis of the information, and that indicates the findings that are interpreted in the fourth chapter. The latter is of great importance as they reveal pedagogical practices mediated by traditional pedagogy, which goes against the conception of the child as a subject of lawsLa presente tesis se titula Concepciones de las maestras de Educaci贸n B谩sica Primaria de la Instituci贸n Educativa T茅cnica Crisanto Luque, frente al ni帽o como sujeto de derechos, y su relaci贸n con las pr谩cticas pedag贸gicas, cuyo prop贸sito es develar las pr谩cticas pedag贸gicas que se gestan al interior de aula en relaci贸n a las categor铆as de an谩lisis: ni帽o, sujeto de derechos, y pr谩ctica pedag贸gica. La investigaci贸n se ciment贸 en el m茅todo etnogr谩fico, en la modalidad de microetnograf铆a, lo que conllev贸 al uso de la t茅cnica de la observaci贸n no participante, el relato y la entrevista estructurada. Los resultados se visibilizan a partir del tercer cap铆tulo, apartado que describe los distintos momentos del an谩lisis de la informaci贸n, y que se帽ala los hallazgos que se interpretan en el cuarto cap铆tulo. Este 煤ltimo es de gran importancia ya que revelan pr谩cticas pedag贸gicas mediadas por la pedagog铆a tradicional, que va en contrav铆a con la concepci贸n del ni帽o como sujeto de derecho